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Friday, 7 December 2018

Building a Reader Universe

When I started to write, it was a mess. I wrote a series with so many genres it was freaky lol. 
Tales of the Neverwar(TOTN) encompasses elements of fantasy, science fiction, romance, and time travel/alternate reality fiction.
Imagine my surprise when everything I've written ever since has tied into the same Neverwar universe I love.
Companion of Darkness(CoD) is my latest novel, but it is the earliest story in the Neverwar universe. This epic fantasy series tells how it all begins. Dragons, magic, elves, and faeries combat the force of darkness. 
Then you have Origins of the Never, the prequel novella to the main series(TOTN), which some people say should be read AFTER book one in the main series. 
It's set thousands of years BEFORE the main(TOTN) series, but MILLIONS of years after CoD.
Lost in Time is a separate series, focusing on various characters introduced to us in the main series, more time travel and scifi than fantasy. 
Apparently this is called,'Building a universe.'

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