While walking my dog earlier, watching her adopt her instinct as a
herder, barking at and nipping at the heels of people, in order to make
them conform to whatever idea she has in her head, something struck me.
Social media does the same. But not by instinct.
No. Their purpose is much more insidious.
They want to herd us.
That part is like Callie, in her playful, loud barks and darts back and
forth as people try to run away from her...it's really quite comical,
but I have ordered a muzzle.
Social media doesn't have a comical bone in whatever 'body' they inhabit.
They want to divide us. They want to split one group of people, say, sheep herd A, away from sheep herd B.
They want to put A into one box, and B into another.
They want to make us fight one another, because as long as that happens, the fight will keep us blind to the real enemy.
The wolves.
We need to muzzle the wolves. We need to take away their power to herd
us, bite us and nip our heels to direct our movements and choices.
We need to tell the wolves that WE are in charge.
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